Dec 12, 2024

The Cost Of A Headshot: The Truth And What You Can Expect

There are many factors that go into choosing the right headshot photographer.The focus should always be why the photos are being taken and where they intend on being displayed—LinkedIn,  company website, business cards, or portfolio? You can get away with a less professional photo for a website, but anything that will be printed needs to be at least 300 dpi (dots per image).

The Cost of a Headshot

A basic headshot can be had from $100 to $450, depending on which studio you choose. If you’re looking to get the best price, try to stick with a reputable studio. For example, there are many photographers who charge less than $100 a headshot, while others charge $300 and up. There are also free headshot services online, so you can get a quote without giving out your information.

The best way to get the right photographer is to hire someone who specializes in headshots.

What to Expect

In Terms of Speed, most photographers ask for at least 10-15 seconds between each shot, and ideally no more than 20. But again, it’s not all about you. The people coming in to your office will have their own schedules and want to move through the process as quickly as possible.

When you visit the photographer’s website, you will see some headshot “tutorials” and a breakdown of what to expect in terms of posing, lighting, backdrop, and so on. But the best thing you can do is look at their past work.

If you like the style and layout, and the client photos look great, it’s usually a safe bet to hire them. If you don’t like the layout or photographer’s style, you will see that they can change their approach in order to cater to your needs.

What Affects the Price

There are a variety of factors that can increase the cost of a headshot; such as having elaborate lighting options and on-site vs. off-site shoots. The former two will likely result in more professional equipment and advanced lighting options. It's important to get a clear about what your business wants, the level of quality expected, and the budget for the photographer to work with you. What’s the Cost of Poor Choices? Take a minute to consider all the variables and you may realize that some of the usual expectations may not be met. One photographer we know recently said that taking a professional headshot is as simple as taking a decent selfie. That pretty much sums up the difference in the professional image and the selfie; and it's really not hard to see.

Should you Take your own Headshot?

Just getting a nice camera and a lens will not do. You’ll be better off with a professional photographer, and you should expect your photos to cost more. Pro Tip: If you are going to invest the time and money to hire a professional, you will likely pay for the expertise. You’ll still be OK taking photos with your phone, but you’ll be wasting time and money if you go to the wrong place. As I mentioned, you can get a great DSLR for $500, and that’s more than enough to get great pictures. That said, if you want to get started and don’t have a full budget, consider a kit that includes a nice camera with a prime lens. If remote work is a constraint-consider an illustrated headshot.

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